Upcoming Events
joint AMSA-NZMSS 2024
Australian Coastal Restoration Network symposium
2024 World Seagrass Conference &15th International Seagrass Biology Workshop
‘Seagrasses in the Anthropocene’
17 - 21 June, 2024
Napoli, Italy
Society for Ecological Restoration
In the News
OzFish and the ‘Seeds for Snapper’ program expand into SA and Vic
Some links to project pages and media releases:
'Seeds for Snapper program' around Cockburn Sound https://ozfish.org.au/projects/seeds-for-snapper/
Volunteer recruitment video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOVwzFhEo9U&feature=emb_logo
There are also social media groups such as “Seeds for Snapper Dive Group” https://www.facebook.com/groups/1017827785219985/
OzFish Perth Chapter have regular project updates here https://www.facebook.com/OzFishPerthChapter with links to news articles
Links to news articles/interviews
Adelaide Seeds for Snapper Seagrass Restoration Given the Green Light
Cockburn seagrass fruit as Seeds for Snapper seagrass weekend looms
Seagrass restoration set to reseed a million more seeds into Cockburn Sound
New project websites
OzFish are also about to join the fantastic Yarram Yarram Landcare Network project in Corner Inlet, Victoria: https://www.marineandcoastalcouncil.vic.gov.au/news-and-events/victorian-marine-and-coastal-awards/2020/corner-inlet-broadleaf-seagrass-restoration-project
Blue carbon a gamechanger in WA's struggle to curb greenhouse gas emissions
Carbon capture in vegetated coastal ecosystems could sequester millions of West Australian greenhouse gases as it closes in on its net zero emissions target by 2050.
Reforesting the Ocean
Recently, Australian scientists proved something we once thought impossible: we can regrow the ocean forests we’ve destroyed. Now they’ve set their sights on a tougher challenge… and they can’t do it alone.
December 17, 2019
Seagrass nursery in central Queensland could offset carbon emissions
Seeds for Snapper seagrass restoration project
WESTERN Australia’s second largest snapper spawning ground is slowly getting restored with the help of an innovative habitat restoration project, Seeds for Snapper.
Fishing World
25 November 2019
An underwater quest to restore our endangered seagrass meadows
8 NOV 2019
Caroline Tang | UNSW Newsroom
A beautiful seagrass is endangered in parts of NSW, but a team of “underwater gardeners” led by a UNSW marine ecologist is working to stem its decline.