Have a read through our library of Seagrass Publications
listed by year
Burial duration and frequency influences resilience of differing propagule types in a subtidal seagrass.
Posidonia Australis
Campbell ML
PLoS ONE 11(8): e0161309
Genotypic richness predicts phenotypic variation in an endangered clonal plant.
Evans SM, Sinclair EA, Poore AGB,
Bain KF, and Verges A
PeerJ 4:e163
Demographic and genetic connectivity: the role and consequences of reproduction, dispersal and recruitment in seagrasses.
Kendrick GA, Orth RJ, Statton J, Hovey R, Ruiz-Montoya L, Lowe R, Krauss SL, and Sinclair EA (2016)
Biological Reviews
doi: 10.1111/brv.12261
Limnology and Oceanography
doi: 10.1002/lno.10319
New Zealand seagrass – more threatened than IUCN review indicates.
Matheson FE, Lundquist CJ, Gemmill CEC, and Pilditch CA
Biological Conservation
Habitat restoration: early signs and extent of faunal recovery relative to seagrass recovery.
McSkimming C, Connell SD, Russell BW, and Tanner JE
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science
Fine scale patterns of genetic variation in a widespread clonal seagrass species.
Sherman CDH, York PH, Smith TM,
and Macreadie PI
Marine Biology
Recovery pathways from small scale disturbance in a temperate Australian seagrass.
Smith TM, York PH, Macreadie PI, Keough M, Ross DJ, and Sherman CDH
Marine Ecology Progress Series
Global analysis of seagrass restoration: the importance of large-scale planting.
Van Katwijk MM, Thorhaug A, Marbà N, Orth RJ, Duarte CM, Kendrick GA, Althuizen IHJ, Balestri E, Bernard G, Cambridge ML, Cunha A, Durance C, Giesen W, Han Q, Hosokawa S, Kiswara W, Komatsu T, Lardicci C, Lee K-S, Meinesz A, Nakaoka M, O'Brien KR, Paling EI, Pickerell C, Ransijn AMA, and Verduin JJ
Journal of Applied Ecology
Quantifying the dispersal potential of seagrass vegetative fragments: A comparison of multiple subtropical species.
Weatherall EJ, Jackson EL, Hendry RA, and Campbell ML
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science
Identifying knowledge gaps in seagrass research and management: an Australian perspective.
York PH, Smith TM, Coles RG, McKenna S, Connolly RM, Irving AD, Jackson EL, Mcmahon K, Runcie J, Sherman CDH, Sullivan B, Trevathan-Tackett S, Brodersen K, Carter AB, Ewers C, Lavery P, Roelfsema C, Samper-Villarreal J, Sinclair EA, Strydom S, Tanner J, Van Dijk K-J, Warry F, Waycott M, and Whitehead S
Marine Environmental Research doi:10.1016/j.marenvres.2016.06.006